AC METALINOX spol. s.r.o. has been operating on the Slovak market since 2007 as a distributor of stainless steel and black metallurgical products. Thanks to many years of cooperation with renowned metallurgical giants, qualified personnel, helpfulness towards clients, favourable price ranges and business conditions, we are currently one of the well and quality operating companies in this area.
The company is continuously expanding and has made every effort to offer professional services and superior products. It also strives to offer and implement high level cooperation, both from regular and potential business partners.
We believe that you will also be convinced of our quality, and we will help you in solving and building your projects. We are here for you!
We currently offer more than 13,500 types of stainless, black and refractory steel products from our product portfolio, including the complete production of the world's leading manufacturer KÖNIG + CO. GmbH, which our company has been representing exclusively in the Slovak Republic since 2019.
We look forward to working with you.